MBTI (Myers-Briggs)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is built on Jung's theories about the human psyche and development over our lifespan. Jung anticipated that our psyche have all the ingredients needed for growth and development. Jung and Myers both assumed that we are born as distinct types. MBTI is based on dichotomies (pair of opposites): extroversion(E) - introversion (I), thinking (T) - feeling (F), sensing (S) - intuition (N) and judging (J) - perceiving (P) and describes the 16 types that results from the interaction among the functions (S, N, T and F). We are assumed to have preferences for one of each pair of opposites and have access to all pairs. Jung called our development "the individuation process", i.e. the natural means by which we becomes our unique self! We invest most energy in our preferred (dominant) function (one of S, N,T or F) and that function is mostly conscious and the function we put least energy in (inferior function) is mostly unconscious. The inferior function is, according to Jung, the door to our hidden self and that is the beauty of MBTI; it is an assisted way to consciously develop yourself by being more conscious and authentic about your unconscious mind!
MBTI is used to facilitate development for; organizations, individuals, conflict, teams, change, leadership etc., and millions of people take the instrument each year.
The scores you get is about preferences NOT your trait; a high score is not better than a low one, it only indicates how strong you prefer your preferred function.
In my work with individuals and groups this instrument is (instrumental) key to personal development, conflict resolution, strategy formulation, team development.....,since each type has its own way of taking in information, making decisions, using their energy and dealing with the outer world. Understanding the strengths and the differences between the 16 types can be sobering and pave the way to collaboration and trust; essential for an agile and creative environment, utilizing personal responsibility in our global day.